Finance Link Ties

The outlook of U.S.-China ties remains suspicious

Relations between US and China, the world's two largest economies have been watched closely in recent years, especially over the last few years, tensions between the two countries are increasingly intensifying. US took a series of steps to curb China, including exports control in semiconductor, and China took some countermeasures to retaliate US.


The two countries strongly disagree on many areas and there are risks of shocks that could impact both.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, in prepared remarks for a dinner hosted by the U.S.-China Business Council, underscored her priorities aimed at stabilizing frigid ties between the United States and China.

Yellen said continuing to stabilize our relationship to prevent escalation won't make news. But our economies, our people — and, again, also economies and people around the world — will be safer and more secure.

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