Investors Survey is the specific column created by Foresight, which will be realeased periodically, mainly involved in the hot topics in terms of economy. politics, equity markets, etc. , covering the most overriding concerns among the investors, providing the forward-looking investment guidance. Every Investors Survey will be conducted and implemented by Foresight, and the respondents is mainly the equity markets investors, who share their perspectives about the dynamic of economy, geopolitical crisises and the state of market. Through Investors Survey, the readers can thoroughly know the economic and political situation, learn more dynamic of the equtity market, which can help them make more accurate and decisive decisions.
Investors are looking for confirmation of the growth without inflation and peak rates look to the other side—rate cuts. In terms of the market dynamics, job markets are normalizing, further higher unempolyment rate has triggered the fear that the economy will tip into the ression; investors maybe ahead of themselves on “Fed put”, Nasdaq has dropp into correction territory. Amid global volatility deepening, the confidence of investors in stock market declines.